Monday, February 22, 2010

The Unpredictable Aspect of Life

There are many things in life that we take for granted,maybe we do not even realize it,it is an involuntary action but then that`s the way it usually happens....we take all our loved ones for granted....knowing,believing that they will be there for us through thick & thin.We smile with them,cry with them, fight interminably with them and interact with them on a daily basis that knowingly or unknowingly they become an integral part of our life... We cannot even envisage life without these people...let`s call them our relatives....our kith and kin..or a bit distant... friends......those people that thank god,we can choose!!! We are dependent on these people..mentally,emotionally ....they are an outlet for our feelings,our nascent emotions and our pain and frustration...but what do we expect from them? We expect unconditional love and support though we are at our selfish best when we are with these people. can we even think of a life without these people?Death is a reality is it not? You must be wondering as to why i am talking about death in the context of life...well,they are two sides of the same coin,are they not? When a near & dear relative departs forever,we grieve for him,but do we ever consider for a moment that these people are also on the same path?That they will also leave us forever and depart one day....that it might be a sudden occurrence or a painful & slow journey. This reminds me of the story that i`d read ...that of the yaksha & Yudhisthira & the Enchanted Pool.When the yaksha asks Yudhisthira what is the ultimate wonder in this life & Yudhisthira replies in his usual inimitable manner that everyday we see men departing for Yama`s abode,yet those who live,seek to live forever......these thoughts are to be pondered are they not and yet such is the beauty of life...we cling onto everything that we have and do not even think that we might lose it all someday.....sounds a bit morbid but then this is life....unpredictable but beautiful nevertheless.

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